“Partnering with Asset Information Services is an exciting opportunity for us at APIteq, as it allows us to support our collective clients with the best-in-class digital twin software platform on the market. The partnership will allow us to introduce and deliver new, highly valuable services to long-standing international clients to improve their workflows and support their digitisation goals.
AIS services like system linkages and integrations, workflow modelling, and 2D data management allow existing clients to move to the next level of sophistication with their digital tools. I am excited to begin this new phase of development for APIteq with a new global partner in AIS.” – Per Erik Berger, CEO APIteq
Read the full release at JF AIS: https://hubs.la/Q013JbzX0

APIteq is proud to announce a strategic partnership with James Fisher Asset Information Services.
The partnership will develop and expand digital products and services to asset owners and operators around the world. In doing so, helping drive down cost, enhancing safety and productivity, reducing carbon footprint, and supporting industrial clients to transition to digital workflows.